I have the most amazing mother in the world. I don't really know what to tell you all.. I know all of you "think" you have the most amazing mother in the world, but the truth of the matter is I really do (sorry to rain on your parade). You see.... my mother is an exceptional woman. She loves much, laughs often and gives without ceasing. There was a time that she (and even I) despaired at life, fearing the cancer that had claimed her body would also claim her soul. The doctors launched the countdown on her life. HOWEVER, today, she faces life cancer free. In victory, her zeal for life's ambitions, its simplicities and luxuries, remain unmatched. As I said, she loves much, laughs often and gives without ceasing. She has taught me to behold life as a precious gift and that our God will never leave us or forsake us. Those are some important tidbits. Thanks mom for being so wonderful. I am forever indebted to your love, wisdom and passion.